Delight your guests with a breathtaking and elegant fire show. Nothing is as captivating as dancing with fire.


Our professional ensemble has years of international performance experience in the fields of circus, dance and theater. Technical perfection, beautiful choreographies and safety are guaranteed. Many of the juggling techniques used were developed in-house and are unique.


Our fire shows are an unforgettable highlight for every event. We would also be happy to develop a fire show tailored to your event.




2 to 30 minutes,
We recommend 20 minutes


Space requirement:

the bigger the better,
at least 8m (width) x 6m (depth)
+ 3m safety distance

All equipment and a sound system will be provided by us.

0043 (0) 660 / 8218211
(Arno Uhl)

0043 (0) 650 / 6363872 (Katharina Nelböck-Hochstetter)

Next PUBLIC Shows


17.09             Eröffnung des Werkstatt Festivals in Oberzeiring (AT)

04.10.            Hartberg zaubert! (AT)
10.-13.10.      A-Festival in Tartu (EE)

10.11.            Schwarzclown & friends - Zum Lachen in den Keller im Jungen Theater Forchheim (DE)

15.12             Nachtfahrt zum Vollmond in Bad Kleinkirchheim (AT)
21.12             Wintersonnwendfeier in Maria Anzbach (AT)


13.01             Nachtfahrt zum Vollmond in Bad Kleinkirchheim (AT)

15.-18.05      CU'FUS in Samobor (HR)

21.06             Sonnwendfeier in der Burg Obervoitsberg (AT)

18.-20.07      Bamberg zaubert (DE)

27.&28.07    Fantastika in Freistadt (AT)

03.08             Mittelalter Fest Svetvinčenat (HR)

22.&23.08    Krapoldi Festival in Innsbruck (AT)

11.-14.09      ZirkArt in Forchheim (DE)