“Big flames and little disasters!” is a unique mixture of a breathtaking fire show at the highest level with clownish humour and theatre. It was specially developed for street art festivals with a lot of passion and dedication.
Flame Rain Theatre impresses in each moment with a rich variety of skills. In one moment explosive acrobatics and special effects take away the breath. In the next moment the poetry of harmonious dance choreographies enchant the audience. Continuously the show gets interrupted by little disasters and cheeky audience interactions.
A fire show is a beautiful but also dangerous performance. It
requires high precision and concentration. Jokes normally don’t belong there, and specially no pranks or accidents. But luckily things don’t always turn out the way they are supposed to. And
even if the stage and the performers are set on fire, one thing is clear: THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!
Duration: 60 minutes
set up: 10min
disassemble: 10min
Space requirements: the bigger the better
least 10m x 8m
+ 3m safty distance
All equipment and a sound system will be provided by us.